How do I generate the first sale through affiliate marketing?
Are you a complete novice when it comes to affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is one of my favorite ways to earn passive income from my website, and it works on any topic.
It’s also excellent for newbies since you’re selling someone else’s goods that already have a following and have a conversion-optimized sales page.
To earn money with affiliate marketing, you don’t need to develop a product and you certainly don’t need a big audience.
Of course, it isn’t as simple as it may seem, and it does require some planning.
Even if you’re a novice, I strongly suggest affiliate marketing if you’re ready to start earning money with your site.
Today, I’ll show you how to make your first affiliate sale with your blog, regardless of your specialty, as well as how to market your site to attract high-quality visitors.
Disclaimer: This article includes affiliate links, which means that if you buy anything via that link, I may earn a tiny profit at no additional cost to you. And if you do, I’m grateful!
Affiliate marketing is all about addressing a problem your audience is having with a product or service that may make their lives simpler or simply provide the solution.
You must understand your audience in order to earn any sort of money by blogging.
Consider why someone would visit your blog.
Your audience is looking for something, even if it isn’t apparent at first. So, take a look at your blog and see what kind of pain issue it’s addressing.
Are they on the lookout for the finest Christmas presents for dog lovers?
Perhaps they’ve come to your site seeking recommendations for the finest cribs and blankets for a baby.
Understanding why people visit your site and what they want to discover once they arrive may help you choose the right affiliate goods and programs to promote when you’re ready to get started.
It’s OK if not all blog articles are suitable for affiliate marketing.
Some of the articles you publish will be aimed at attracting visitors to your site, particularly if you’re a newbie, while others will be aimed at generating revenue via affiliate sales.
In this article, I go through the greatest blog posts for affiliate marketing in depth, but here’s a quick rundown:
How to’s/Tutorials-These articles simply instruct your audience on how to complete a task, implying that they came to the post with a problem and are looking for a solution.
You’re either demonstrating how to utilize the affiliate product or demonstrating how to use the affiliate product to solve a problem.
This is one of my most popular “how to” articles.
Because it begins with a problem (learning how to blog) and ends with a solution that includes the best items to utilize, as well as useful information and step-by-step instructions.
Review-review articles are excellent for marketing online courses or a specific product, since you can demonstrate to your audience how well it worked for you.
They work very well if you tell your story, provide a little history of the product, and explain how it worked for you.
Gift Guides-With the holidays rapidly coming, gift guides are ideal for affiliate marketing since they eliminate all of your audience’s uncertainty.
You make a list of items that are ideal for a certain person and write about them.
This is beneficial to your readers since they can receive all of the information in one article rather than having to browse on the internet for gift ideas.
List/Round-Up Posts- List posts are similar to gift recommendations, but they may be used for almost anything.
A list of the top free blogging courses for newbies.
Alternatively, a roundup of the finest autumn jeans under $50.
With each product, you can simply add your affiliate links to these list articles. Just be sure to provide a brief description of each item rather than a list.
For a description of how to create affiliate articles that convert, see this page.
BIG HINT: Only recommend goods you’ve personally tried or researched thoroughly. The goal is to offer the finest possible goods to your audience, and affiliate marketing will not work if you lose their confidence.
When it comes to generating high-quality traffic to your site, marketing is crucial, and you’ll need it if you want to make your first affiliate transaction.
Pinterest is where I promote my blog articles, since it accounts for 80% of my daily blog traffic. However, like everything else on the internet, Pinterest marketing isn’t as simple as pinning every single one of your blog articles.
You’ll need a plan.
And the goal isn’t to get everyone on your blog; all you need are the RIGHT people, which I teach you how to accomplish in this eBook, which you can download right now.
Another advantage of Pinterest is that you may utilize it to earn affiliate sales whether or not you have a blog. This is another method I use to earn money with affiliate marketing, and it always works.
This course by Elise of the House of Brazen will teach you the precise techniques for making money using Pinterest.
Create Multiple Pinterest Pins
I prefer to promote my blog articles through a few different methods, the first of which is, of course, Pinterest.
I make several Pinterest pins for each blog article because you want to experiment with various phrasings to see what connects with your audience and gets them to click over to your site.
I suggest utilizing Tailwind to pin your various pins on the same articles throughout the week.
This will help to reduce the appearance of spam, increase the likelihood of repins and click-throughs, and ensure that more people notice your pins.
Include a list of other relevant blog posts.
Go through your existing blog entries and add a link to your new affiliate-linked blog article.
Of course, you only use this method when it is necessary.
Because they are looking at several articles on each visit, this may also assist with your bounce rate and keep visitors on your site for longer.
If it’s acceptable, you may even include affiliate links in previous articles. Just keep in mind why your audience is viewing that particular page.
Make use of social media.
Don’t forget to promote your blog articles on your other social media channels.
To guarantee that my blog articles are viewed by my audience, I prefer to share them on Twitter immediately after they are published, then on my other social media channels throughout the week.
If you’re a beginner blogger, you may also use Facebook groups to help get your articles out there.
Check out this article if you want more organic social sharing of your blog content (and who doesn’t?
It Should Be Sent To Your Email List
Whether you send out a monthly or weekly newsletter to your email list, it’s likely that you’ll be able to include a link to your most recent blog article.
It may be as easy as a paragraph followed by a link to your most recent blog article, or you can construct a full mini-lesson in the email and send it to your subscribers.
Check out this article if you haven’t begun developing an email list yet.
Serving your audience is the goal of affiliate marketing and blogging.
Give them a cause to believe in you and decide to buy a product you’re promoting.
If you follow these steps, you will be able to make your first affiliate sale and continue to make sales as an affiliate.
“Nobody who purchased a drill wanted a drill, they wanted a hole,” according to a statement I heard the other day. So, if you want to sell drills, promote knowledge of how to make holes rather than drills. “
Simply said, if your audience has an issue, such as needing to create a hole, use your blog article to explain how to make a hole with a drill and include an affiliate link to that drill.
With your affiliate link, you have solved your audience’s issues. That’s how you generate consistent sales no matter how big your audience is.
Originally published at on July 4, 2021.